Monday, May 20, 2013

So, we were talking of Farm Fresh Eggs and the prior cost.  For the variety of color that you are able to obtain in these dozen of eggs, $3.00 is a steal!  However, the health benefits that they will provide for you, is priceless!

Like I stated in my original post, we have a variety of layer hens.  By having a variety, we also are able to obtain a variety of colors of eggs, too!  The green/blueish eggs and including the olive colored ones, they derive from the Ameraucana
and Araucana hens!  The light brown, they are usually the most common variety of hens and can derive from Orpingtons,

the black sex links, polish hens, barred rock hens, etc.  We do however, on occasions will see the rose colored eggs, right below the green one in the middle.  These come from the Orpingtons and the Rhode island red variety.
  The white ones come from the white leghorns that I have.
  Do you see that really dark looking egg, that actually comes from a 
Black Copper Maran hen. They lay darker egg varieties.  However, just because the paint on the outside is different all the insides remain the same!

So, here is a great question for beginner's that are just wanting to obtain chickens or for fun?  How long does it take a chicken to lay an egg??


  1. ecause it takes 24-26 hours for a hen to construct an egg (adding the albumen, shell membranes and shell) and since chickens have only a single ovary and oviduct, hens are only able to lay an egg a day at the most. If you don't collect the eggs at the same time each day you might encounter a situation where one day you collected no eggs and the next two, but the eggs were laid on different days - just one right after an early previous collection and/or right before a late collection.

  2. Those are beautiful! You don't even need to dye eggs for Easter.
